Friday, November 16, 2007

Is there anything you can do ???

Is there a way to stop terrorism?
Is there a way to remove corruption?
Is there a way to get people to pay taxes honestly?
Is there a way forward for the really backward classes?

These are some of the questions that have been haunting us for many years now. I guess with the new technologies available, I think it is an emphatic YES!

Let’s, look at the first issue. Terrorism. Is it only ideology based? No. If it was only ideology based, it would have died a slow death longtime ago. It is the funding of those terror machines that have kept the ideologies alive. There are many channels from which the monies are sourced. Hawala, NGOs etc.

Secondly, how is it that the corruption hasn’t come down for many years now? What is the common thread that connects both terrorism and corruption?

In India, it is a known fact that only people in the Public sectors and Private sectors pay taxes. What about the unorganized sector? Although they are willing to use the services like roads, electricity etc. they are not willing to pay taxes? Is there a way to get them to do it?

Most reservation seats in our education institutions are generally taken by the people who can afford it. Is there a way to stop it?

For all the questions above, there is a common thread, it is intractability of money. If we can find a way to trace it, we can stop the above atrocities.

For this to happen, we would have to convert our country to be a 100% cashless society. No payment of cash is acceptable. Payment can be done only by debit / credit card or cheque. This way we’ll have traceability.

Today, there are many people operating the hawala channel. It would hit them smack on the face if they tried to do it by operating using cheques and cards. This way, the funding for those terror networks can be monitored and controlled.

Since all the money can be transacted through the banks alone, we will see no more scams like the Taj corridor or the fodder scam. Can you bribe a person by paying him by cheque. No. He would not accept it as he’d be found out. If, every transaction is through bank alone, nobody accepts cash, the real cash would be a worthless paper if not disclosed. This way, we can bring more people to book and rid the society of these scums.

If everyone transacted using the bank account, it would be very easy to bring the business class who are notorious for evading taxes to bring them under the tax net. This way, we could improve the tax collection across the country and provide people with better tax sops and benefits.

Talking about reservation, you can clearly see who deserves to get the reservation benefit because of his economic status and provide him the impetus to achieve his goals.